School Tour - page 3

Our last stop was at the old Longfellow School. I didn't go to school at Longfellow but remember playing on the playground there several times. I don't recall the name of that piece of equipment where you held on to a ring and could swing around in a circle but I loved it.
Longfellow School is now the Anderson County Historical Museum. They have so many interesting things that we only had a chance to glance at most of them. I definitely plan to go back there for a longer visit some time when I am in Garnett.

Longfellow School
RogerA signing the museum guest book.

Longfellow School
DanF looking for old school newspapers.

Longfellow School
FranC and RonW looking at old Garnett newspapers

Longfellow School
Class members who attended Longfellow: DavidM, PaulS, JanB, RonW, MonteM

Longfellow School
Ready for the ride back to the old high school:
RogerA, PaulS, RonW, GaryW, MerleW, LarryC, FranC, JanB, DennyD MonteM, MarilynN, DavidM