Garnett High School Class of '65

Plans for Future Reunions

I thought it would be convenient to have a place to collect ideas for the next reunion. At the 35-year reunion in 2000 there were several suggestions mentioned. I don't remember everything that was discussed so if anyone else remembers more please let me know.

Some people thought it would be nice to have the reunion in the fall so people who could not come in the summer might be able to attend. I used October 1 as a tentative date in setting the countdown.
Another suggestion was to have people bring CD's or tapes to play rather than hiring a DJ. I recently transferred all my tapes and CDs to my computer. I have about 400 songs from the 60's and could burn CDs of everyone's favorites.
I think Tarry Miller mentioned he was having a new barn built and that we could possibly hold the reunion - or at least part of it - there.
We also discussed making plans far enough in advance to allow people to plan vacations near the date of the reunion if they wanted to.
A few other ideas I have heard: having a theme for the reunion based on the Garnett Grand Prix which would include a drive around the North Lake in old cars - either owned by class members or borrowed; having a tour of some of our favorite "party places" including a tour of some of them; planning the reunion to coincide with Homecoming and attending the football game and dance as a group; having a "slumber party" type event with everyone bringing cots - this would have to be in a fairly large facility or one with two rooms so the "sleepers" and "non-sleepers" could be separated.

If anyone has any ideas for the next reunion (date, place, activities, etc.) send them to me and I will post them here.

Originally I had some poems here but decided to save space on this site for other things. Instead I will link to the Class Reunion file on my poem and quote site for those who are interested.

email me Blackat Graphics reunion stuff