GHS Class of '65 Most Wanted List

This page is for class members that we have lost contact with. Some of them are "long lost" and no one has had contact with them in years. Others are just "temporarily misplaced" because I haven't heard from them for a while or haven't confirmed if the old address I have for them is valid.
Anyone who has clues that would help locate these people please contact me. We are in the process of forming a search committee so this page will change frequently.

I created a separate page for the "Extras" - people who are not on the list of class members but who were in our class at one time in elementary school or early high school.

Ed Barnaby
Genell Benjamin
Gene Bowen
Karen (Brown) Scherer
Billy Burns
Larry Caldwell
Walter Catt
Frona (Cline) Bonar
Corrine (Cornwell) Coulter
Max Farren
John Gull
Hazel (Henderson) Economides

Sharon (Hill) Bauer
Jerry Katzer
Patsy (Kilet) Woods
Kenny McKnight
Oliver Meliza
Sharyl (Meyers) Holcomb
John Schuster
Ann (Sheern) Jones
Gary Sobba
Dorman Teter
Janelle Thomas
Herb Young